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Chapter 04: Duck is the fourth episode of the Season Three. It is preceded by Chapter 03: Medicine and followed by Chapter 05: Lever.


With supplies dwindling, Michele hurries to cut the Shell’s remaining population in half. In flashbacks, the Founding Couple face an agonising dilemma.


Process 01

Two candidates work on a puzzle involving scales and metal balls while Vitor and Laís watch. They expect that test to eliminated 20% of the candidates. A baby starts crying and Vitor picks her up. She's their daughter. The time runs out and a candidates begs to be allowed to stay while they cuddle their baby.

106 Years Later

Michele prepares for another test. Rafael wakes up after drinking. Marco wakes and gets up.

The people in the Shell wait in line for their rations. Rafael accuses Marco of using his kid to get more food.

Elisa brings Michele food, but Michele tries to refuse. She's upset because of working on the test. They're down to 100 people and she has to eliminate half or everyone will starve by tomorrow.

Process Year 10

The Council is meeting to talk about the growing population and how food production can't keep up with it. Laís and Vitor say they have a solution. It's a prototype hormone injector that will permanently sterilize people. They'll sterilize everyone, including Offshore residents. The others are critical because they want children. Patrícia suggests children already born in the Offshore will be sent to the Inland and will have to go through the Process when they turn 20.

Michele speaks to the people. She tells them the final test will be candidate versus candidate. Only one for each test will stay. First up is Marco versus Rafael.

Michele tells them she paired them up because they're always fighting and she'd rather only one of them stay. Their test is to create a test and she'll choose the fairest one. Marco suggests having all residents list what they've done for the Shell. Rafael jokes about him leaving, but then suggests flipping a coin as his test. It gives each person a 50% chance. She asks them to choose a color. Rafael chooses silver. Michele flips the coin and it comes up silver, meaning Rafael stays. Marco is upset with the result. Rafael and Marco walk out and tell the others what happened.

Laís and Vitor argue over sending their daughter Inland. Vitor wants to go with her, but Laís reminds him that they're Founders first. If they don't go ahead with it, they open themselves up to a coup.

Laís and Vitor go to Tânia. Laís braids her hair and Tânia reveals that she already knows what's going to happen. She says she'll take care of all the other kids. They tell her she'll have to fight in the Inland to get things, but it'll make her stronger.

Joana and Natália talk to a man about his experiences in the Shell. He brushes off their desires as Cause talk. They're confronted by a Division guard, but make a run for it. The guard chases them, but they get away.

Michele calls pair after pair in for the test. Finally, Glória and Xavier are the final two remaining. He tries to speak to her, but she doesn't want to talk. Michele calls them back.

In the room, she challenges them to create their own test as she did with all the others. Glória suggests a list of knowledge about the Shell's inner workings. Xavier thinks for a bit and then sees two puzzles nearby. He says they can each do one and whoever wins stays.

Laís and Vitor create a new cube puzzle and start using it. This is the Process with their daughter in it. They watch as Tânia starts the test.

Xavier and Glória start their test while Tânia starts hers. They all visibly struggle. Time runs out for Tânia before she's able to finish, eliminating her from the Process. Xavier and Glória finish their puzzles at almost exactly the same time. Michele declares that Xavier finished first. Glória is angry, thinking Michele chose Xavier so she wouldn't feel guilty about him taking out his implant when he still had a chance at the Process.

Tânia begs the examiner to let her go forward because she was almost finished. She tells her she's the Founding Couple's daughter. She then realizes her parents are watching and calls out to them. Laís confirms to the examiner that Tânia is their daughter. Tânia begs them to help because she knows she's worthy. Vitor still orders the eliminated candidate to be removed.

Tânia takes out her braid, leaving behind the chain her mother braided into it.

Glória leaves the Shell.

Marco and his son return to the Inland. He tells his son they'll be okay. Glória returns to her former home. She sees Joana through the window in Fernando's old home. Joana motion for her to come.

Glória meets with Natália and Joana. They need her help because they're wanted by the Division. They want her to gather the eliminated candidates so they can pressure the Offshore. Glória doesn't like the idea of recruiting for the Cause. Joana tells her about the Offshore's offer to give the Shell everything they needed in exchange for control over it, but Michele turned it down. Glória is angry to learn that. Natália presents her with a working radio.

Rafael promises Elisa he'll change. Michele comes down and is shocked by how few people remain. She tells them they're not better than those who didn't make it. Then she goes back to her office and cries.

Laís and Vitor stand together at the pond where their daughter used to play.

Glória goes to a Division guard and says she needs to speak to Marcela about the Shell.

Glória meets with Marcela and André at the orphanage where the Cause was founded. She asks if the Offshore's offer still stands. Marcela says it does and Glória tells her they must invade and tell the residents there about the offer. Marcela says they can't do that, but says Glória can help them. She can invade the Shell. Marcela saw her potential and says it's a shame her Process ended the way it did. With her help, they can turn the Shell into a place that respects the Process.

Process Year 20: Founding of the Cause

Tânia draws a pond with ducks on the wall and tells the founding Cause members that it's so they never remember what the Offshore stole from them.

Glória calls out to eliminated Shell candidates and tells them what Michele did and says they're going to take the opportunity back.


Main Cast[]

Special Guests[]

Guest Stars[]

  • Eduarda Furtado Lacerda and Oliver Torrens as Tânia (Baby)
  • Vitor Pires as Candidate Carlos
  • Fernando Rubro as Xavier Toledo
  • Fernanda Stefanski as Counselor Patrícia
  • Palomaris Mathias as Counselor Simone
  • Igor Phelipe as Counselor Wagner
  • Ernani Sanchez as Counselor Renato
  • Mel Faria as Tânia (Child)
  • Amanda Magalhães as Natália
  • Guilherme Zanella as Tadeu
  • Michel Waisman as Guard Márcio
  • Kaique Jesus as Ricardo
  • Lina Agifu as Process Employee 20
  • Thainá Duarte as Tânia
  • Felipe Rodilha and Guilherme Rodilha as Maurício Álvares (Marco's son)
  • Mariana Leme as Guard Paloma

English Dubbing Cast[]

Additional Voices
